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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Please Consider Donating to Help the Haitian People

By now everyone is aware of the devastating earthquake it Haiti and its aftermath.  10s or perhaps 100s of thousand of people have died.  More will die without aid.  The Haitian people need your help, not just now, but in the weeks and months to come.  There are many options to help.

You can donate to the American Red Cross International fund online.  You can even make your payment through Amazon.

You can donate through the American Jewish World Service:

The Catholic Relief fund:

The Clinton Foundation has been especially active in Haiti:

The Salvation Army:

Medecins San Frontieres:

The International Rescue Committee

There are many other worthy organizations.  Remember that these organizations need to maintain emergency funds for the next emergency; so there is no need to worry about too many donations.  Do not restrict your donation to Haiti.  The next disaster could be here.

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